The world of mathematics, the principal of math is taught throughout the world in all countries, all schools. My question is why do we need to go into such depth into math? All we really need is plus, minus, multiply and divide, unless you want to get into construction or something that really involve numbers, it is somewhat useless. Math could be use for solving problems, but who would sit down and use math and solve a problem? There's no time for that in life, you got to do things right away. Math is cool nevertheless, playing with numbers is always better than reading a book. Anyways, some people do not know about the statement one plus one equals two. Today, there was a fire at work. The customers that were in line at customer service wanted to refund their items before leaving. Outrageous and stupid customers I shall say, there is a fire at the back of the warehouse. "Do you want your life or money?" The customers thought the fire was nothing at all but you could already see the smoke and smell the awkward odor of fire. One angry customer said he had to leave the plane and he can't come back for 60 days, and the refund policy only works for 30 days. He angrily through the 300 dollar mp3 player at the fire fighter and fled. He could mail in the receipt or something, being angry does not solve problems. Anyways, that was my day. Tomorrow I have my math midterms. Wish me luck, Mr. Einstein.
Quote of The Day, Albert Einstein: “Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.”