Friday, January 21, 2005

Very Important Person

You know, not anyone can be labeled VIP, lets talk about things you get from companies and shops. Say you eat at McDonalds for ten years, you still don't get fancy membership card, VIP member cards can be related to money. I remember some guy that has a VIP card for some airline company. Basically, it is telling you that person always takes airplane trips and is giving a lot of profit to the airline company, therefore you are rewarded with a little corny VIP card. Very Important Person, some people just know they are important, hubris people I shall say. You could easily get those corny VIP cards, but the true VIP is earned and respect from society. Sometimes you get the feeling you are a "very important person"? Label it, put it under your name under your blog. Work hard, earn the real title from the aspects of the revolving globe. Word of The Day, Hubris: excessive pride and self confidence