Friday, January 14, 2005

First Comments

You know how it feels when a blooger receives his or her first comments? This feeling is better than happy. It is like pride over the rainbow. I feel really happy receiving comments from my blog. Thank you to honestyrain and Harry for giving me this special moment. Life is long and special, every time you encounter something "new". Your mind and body receives a special feeling. Just like today, my first comments. Anyways let's go on with the blog shall we? Today it is Friday, and you know how kids in school loves Friday. I do too, but not as much as the kids around me. Maybe I am special? Or more mature? Both sides has it ups and downs. Morning, Bus to school. At the bus stop , me and my friend sighted our old warrant Officer. She was our drill team commander too. Well both sides didn't talked with each other I guess it was too cold in the morning. I went on the day with normal planning, I managed to finish my "Personal planning Report" it is a report based on what you think will happen after your high school ends. It is a great report and I do want to post it up on this blog sometime, preferably after I got a mark for it. Then I had Computer Studies, after that me and my other friend went to Sub-Way. At subway I wanted to eat something cheap and good. $2.99 poster shown with 3 sandwiches. Cold Cut trio, Tuna, Meatball. I always ate Cold Cut trio subs and Meatballs, so why not try Tuna? I told the person "Tuna 6 inch roasted Garlic," Anyways it was a pretty cool lunch, Cost me about $3.20 after tax? Yea after that it was English class. We were doing some project. I need a computer to do projects, so I just chilled with my friends until the period was over. Last of all was P.E, at that time we went to the gym at the community centre and did a 10 lap run. It was easy because no one really tried since the teacher isn't even there. Then when our teacher came he made us do the pyramid run. This is how it goes. Level 1, you run to the other side of the gym. Level 2, you run to the other side of the gym and come back. Level 3, You run there,back,there. Level 4, you run there,back,there,back. After level 4 you go back to level 3, then level 3, then level 1. It was very tiring. After that he made us do 40 setups. Anyways that was my day at school. Today at 6:00pm I am expected to attend NCO Course 2005. It's a three day thing and will end on Sunday 5:00pm. Which basically killed my weekend. I hope that it was a good choice giving up my work and a language class for this exercise. I will blog back again at Sunday. Wish me luck at this exercise bloggers, and keep the comments coming. This post was extremely long due to the fact I won't post again until Sunday.