Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Fix Hello Please
My day was pretty good, after school I attended Drill Team. This Drill team practice I had to admit was pretty fun. We had Flight Sgt Jordan, a new girl from 111 that was in charge of us today because our drill team commander was busy, we did some power drill and a game called sergeant says. Good relaxing Drill Team Practice.
Now lets go on with my rant about Hello. Hello is a program for Blogger. You can learn more about it going to their site. It's basically something that allows you to post pictures to your blog way easier. Today I have been trying to get Hello to work. At school, it worked perfectly fine, but once I got home, it was being an ass. I couldn't log in to it to send pictures to my blog. I went through the support forum and found out a lot of people are having my problem as well. I think it's something with my router but they should really do a fix. C'mon Google, fix Hello as soon as possible.