The world of alchemy, the most interesting subject of science. Alchemy is no longer study widely around the world, but there are still people who do learn it. Today I had my science and French mid-terms, which are the last midterms. Both of the tests were okay, the science one was easy, but the French one was kind of confusing. The science composed of 70 multiple-choice and some written questions and the French contained 135 multiple choice questions, yes, that is two scantrons. Anyways, in the world of Full Metal Alchemist, a wonderful anime. In this wonderful show, it states the following:
People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something.
You must present something of equal value to gain something.
That is the principle of equivalent trade in alchemy.
We believed that was the truth of the world when we were young
~Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist
That is a great quote, even used in life. I sacrificed time and stress on theses mid-terms, and I gain more knowledge. If you want to gain something, go ahead and take some time to do it. I started again on Warcraft III, training my way up at solo. Sacrificing time, but also having a lot of fun with the game. Oh yea, and go watch this anime.