Oh, great.
Got home and checked my email, and guess what I see?
Your blog was declined for the following reason: You have months between the posts on your account. To ensure the quality of blogs on BlogExplosion we ask that all blogs must be kept fairly active. In reviewing your blog we see that a post has not be made recently. Please take some time to update your blog and re-submit for approval. Sincerly, BlogExplosion Team
Hey, that kind of sucks doesn't it? Well it's alright, I'll keep posting and keep submiting,
I am just back in action anyways, do you guys know any other good site that could bring my blog and make it more popular?
Anyways, this means I am rejected.
Rejected is a harsh word. From basketball to real life. When a baller rejects another person,
they feel overwhelmed and excited. But the player that got rejected feels like a loser.
Lets take a look at relationships. Rejected is harsh as well. A boy asking a girl out and she saying no? Meh, being rejected sucks. Thus, do not worry. Keep on going and you will have sucess.
As we always see under bottles of caps.
Thank You! Please Try Again.