Yea, my computer has been dealing with some spyware crap. Finally got it all gone, feels good when its all off. It's really buggy and hard for new computer and internet users to deal with. Even now after the clean there are still some flaws around my computer here and there. People that made spyware deserves to get shot. Aircraft III isn't going good for me at all. I just keep losing. You know when you keep playing a game and keep losing at it? It feels bad. But I play for the joy and the excitement of the game. School... Pretty well, I caught up with the work I missed. Just did a Math Test today on slopes and lines. Got a big 87% on it and then did a history test on the Canadian Railway and got a whooping 88% on that. Went and check my English mark and got 75% which is a B. I hope I'll get a A in English... It's hard but I want it... If any of you need help of getting those spyware off, comment here.